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Saturday the 6th of august, will take place the III “Aplec de Cerveses Artesanals”, the third Festival of Craft Beers. After the succes of the first gatherings, we are pleased to organise this years edition of this meeting point for craft beer lovers. Local producers make their own special beers and are proud to show their wholesome craft beers to the general public.

This “Aplec de Cerveses Artesanals” forms part of the Farmers Market, the Mercat de la Terra of Xaló (Jalón). During the summer the time-table of the market is from 18.00 – 22.00 hrs. Because of the Fiestas the market will be held in Calle La Virgen in Xaló.

Aside from beer, there are stalls with fresh produce and snacks, an exposition of beer bottles and caps, theatre for children, beer tasting, a workshop how to make beer, live music, and a jury will select the best beer brewed by producers from the region.

Come along and discover it for yourself!

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